What's Art ⭕ Circle about?


Hello friend, acquaintance, stranger!
Here’s the too long, please read.

Art Circle is an experiment I've been thinking about for a while. The idea is to take art supplies to a park and draw or color in the sun, with an open invite to anyone around to join in, or not - for as long as they want.

Some of my favorite memories have been centered around creative pursuits - from drawing with my baby cousin and later in life, my niece, to sketching an entire fashion collection in the corners of my text books during class in middle school, only to pass them under the table to a friend to color in. Art in its many forms is a kind of therapy for me. Nothing ground-breaking here.

I’ve been thinking a lot about community too. I’m community-driven in many aspects of my life and I'm often thinking about the intention it requires to ignite and foster it, especially as 30-somethings in San Francisco. That’s when this experiment came to mind.

What if I had an open invite to anyone who felt like making art with me in a sunny park?

For those that join me, we’d already have 3 things in common - a love for parks, a love for lying in them when the sun shines, and a willingness to connect through conversation and creativity. We don’t even really need the conversation, if I’m being honest.

There’s no pressure on showing up even if you RSVP, the amount of time spent, or even the “quality of art” - that’s not a thing here. In fact, this is meant to be much less of a deal than this write-up allows because now it sounds like serious business. It's not. If you come around we’ll probably talk and laugh.

The only rules at Art Circle are:
Be kind & respectful. And BYO-picnic to share!

All the communal art supplies are from SCRAP, SF. It's a magical place! Check it out.

Thanks for reading this. I hope we get to be creative together.
Larika ❤️
